Digital Dunces: The Refusal of Augmented Creativity

Digital Dunces: The Refusal of Augmented Creativity

We are immersed in a historical moment where technology is rewriting the rules of creativity, bringing artificial intelligence to the forefront of every form of artistic expression. Yet, there are those who prefer to ignore all of this, those who choose to remain on the sidelines of this revolution: the “digital dunces.” This is not meant as an insult, but rather a description of a closed attitude, born out of fear, conservatism, or prejudice, which prevents them from seeing the extraordinary opportunities offered by generative AI.

Generative artificial intelligence constitutes a remarkable shift in the creation of texts, graphics, music, and many other creative fields. It allows writers, artists, and musicians to push beyond conventional limits, providing support in the ideation phase and enhancing expressive possibilities. For many, it has become a complementary tool, a “study companion” that does not replace the author but accompanies them, enabling them to explore new ideas and find creative solutions they might not have conceived on their own.

Digital dunces, on the other hand, fail to see this potential. They tend to view artificial intelligence as an enemy of creativity, a threat to their autonomy, or even a danger to artistic authenticity. In reality, their attitude often stems from deeply rooted prejudices and a certain intellectual laziness, a reluctance to experiment with something new that would require them to adapt their creative habits. Unlike those who have embraced expanding their repertoire, these individuals retreat into the comfort of the past, ignoring the opportunities offered by a technology that is here to stay.

One of the most common arguments among digital dunces is that AI would strip the work of its authenticity, reducing creativity to a soulless set of algorithms. This prejudice comes from a limited perception of artificial intelligence, seen only as a cold, emotionless tool. But those who have had the courage to experiment and collaborate with these technologies know well that the real value lies in the interaction between human and machine. AI does not create in our place; rather, it provides us with a new expressive language, suggests new paths, and allows us to see our creativity from fresh perspectives.

The refusal to explore generative artificial intelligence is, ultimately, a refusal to get involved, to learn something new. Digital dunces prefer to stay within the safe boundaries of established practices, while the world around them evolves rapidly. In a way, it’s as if they continue to write by hand while everyone else moves toward digital printing: it’s not so much a question of romanticism for the past as it is a resistance to investing energy and time into learning something that could empower them.

This resistance is most evident in creative fields. Writers who avoid tools like ChatGPT to avoid “contaminating” their creative process, artists who view graphic generation programs as threats to their personal style, musicians who refuse to explore the possibilities offered by AI-assisted composers: all of these are examples of a reluctance that, if not addressed, risks turning into backwardness. Creativity is not a static entity; it evolves along with technology and the cultural context in which it lives.

Digital dunces miss the opportunity to make an evolutionary leap in their art. AI is not a substitute for human creativity; it is a tool that amplifies the artist’s potential. Learning to use it means enriching one’s creative arsenal, leveraging a resource that can surprise, save time, and open up new expressive horizons. Conversely, rejecting these opportunities means remaining confined to a limited creation process, less adaptable to new challenges.

In the contemporary landscape, it is important to distinguish between authenticity and nostalgia. Artistic authenticity does not lie in the medium we use but in the intent and inspiration that guide our creation. Embracing generative artificial intelligence means embracing a modern means of expressing our ideas, adapting to a changing world. Digital dunces, on the other hand, prefer to turn their backs on this evolution, remaining in a static limbo that risks excluding them from the new wave of creativity.

The future of creativity is not reserved only for those who have embraced technology, but it is certainly enriched by those willing to do so. Artists and creatives who know how to use generative AI will not lose their identity; they will come out of it enhanced. The world is changing, and with it, the language of creation. It will be our choice whether to remain “digital dunces” or ride this new wave, becoming pioneers of augmented creativity.

All images and all text in this blog were created by artificial intelligences